Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Papa!

そして、Hannahのお待ちかね ケーキタイム!

Happy Birthday Papa~♪

Hannah speaks a lot in JAPANESE!!!
ママ、らむねかってこーねぇ~ (Mama, let’s buy some candy!)
ちょっと まってね。羽七 べんきょーちゅーやから (please wait. Because I'm studying now.)
ママ、けいたい わすれたね~ (Mama forgot her cellphone.)

She likes to sing the Alphabet song and say the words.
Now she knows "Hannah's H! Mama's Y and Papa's S"

It is really interesting to see and hear how she can develop her vocabulary and make sentences. Obviously she learns and catches the words from her friends and her grandparents who spend a lot of time with her. Hannah speaks Gifu dialect. LOL
I'm a little bit worried about her English...
I'm looking forward to seeing Tim, Meraiah, Morgan and Tim's nephew who will visit us and spend time with Hannah.

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